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Handmade Creation Cards

When deciding the route of production, I thought that; because I would be offering players to produce content and cards, it would only be fair that I did, too.

So, for the First Edition set: I have personally print, cut, assembled and packaged over 40,000 cards across more than 40 Core boxes, 200 Creator Cubes, along with various Promo products and additional packs. All while trying to keep competitive and affordable prices. Making the cards and the content, this is kind of like my personal trade/play set – as well as giving ideas for some things players can do with Creation Cards.

The cards are not machine perfect, but this doesn’t interfere with most casual or competitive play. Minkingi, Creca, Fwords, and Pazuuru do not require any shuffling, and play fine with cards that are not the same size or thickness - printed or purchased. Card sleeves are optional, but not necessary, for most games and situations. As long as the general thickness and size of the cards are close, card sleeves bring playable consistency to competitive formats and games that require shuffling. This also helps ease the pressure for players to make and play with their own cards – not needing to worry about machine cut accuracy.

Be CREATIVE, play GAMES, and have FUN!